The most Effective Method to make Auto Likes on Facebook

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The most Effective Method to make Auto Likes on Facebook:

Step 1:  simply, go to account settings on your Facebook page and let everybody follow you.

Step 2: Make your profile public. Go to your page settings and select Public on ’who can see my stuff’ select everybody on who sends you friend requests.

Step 3: Upload your Images/videosand share publicly. This way, everyone gets to see your content and give you repeated likes.

Step 4: Visit token sites and click Get Tokens Here is the illustration found on For each site, the technique remains the same. To get the token, click the Get Token Icon. They will then request authorization to your site, click on permits and afterward get tokens. You should simply duplicate the token you find between # access token= & expiry. In the token highlighted above, get the token duplicated, paste after that click Submit.

Step 5: Keep in mind the Facebook status you upgraded in step 3. Come back to that status to get its ID.

One ID is frequently created at whatever time you like, comment on or share any status. To find that ID, click on the time.